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River Speed Adventures with Briggate Travel

Explore the World's Fastest and Slowest Rivers!

Uncover the thrill of rushing rapids or the serene beauty of gentle currents with Briggate Travel.

River Speed Adventures with Briggate Travel

Various River Destinations

Briggate Travel offers unique river adventures around the globe. Experience the diverse speeds and landscapes of rivers, from the fast-flowing Congo to the tranquil Nile.

Diverse River Experiences

Explore rivers with varying speeds, from gentle 1 mph currents to exhilarating 15 mph rapids. Discover unique ecosystems and breathtaking scenery.

Expert Guidance

Our experienced guides ensure your safety and provide valuable insights into the river's ecology and history.

Tailored Itineraries

We create personalized itineraries to match your preferences and experience level, whether you're a seasoned adventurer or a first-time river explorer.

Average River Speed

The average river speed is 1-3 mph, but this varies widely. The Mississippi River averages 2 mph, while the Amazon averages 4 mph.

Fastest River: Congo River

The Congo River boasts an average speed of approximately 15 mph!

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