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Understanding Botswana's Happiness Ranking

Botswana's Happiness Index: A Deeper Look

Exploring the factors contributing to Botswana's ranking in the World Happiness Report.

Understanding Botswana's Happiness Ranking


In 2023, Botswana's position shifted from 132nd to 137th in the World Happiness Report (WHR), ranking among the less happy nations globally. This places Botswana below countries that have experienced political instability, such as Mali (109th), Chad (113th), and Mali (122nd) in the 2024 WHR. Further research is needed to understand the underlying causes.

2023 WHR Ranking

137th out of 156 countries.

2024 WHR Ranking

Further research needed to confirm the 2024 ranking. Note that the provided text contains a potential error listing Mali twice.

Comparative Analysis

Botswana ranked below some politically unstable nations, highlighting the complexity of happiness indicators.

Limitations of the WHR

The WHR provides a snapshot of subjective well-being. It doesn't capture the full complexity of a nation's social and economic landscape.

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