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Understanding the Central Kalahari Game Reserve Conflict

The Central Kalahari Game Reserve: A Legacy of Conflict

Learn about the ongoing struggle between the San people and the Botswana government over ancestral lands.

Understanding the Central Kalahari Game Reserve Conflict

Central Kalahari Game Reserve (CKGR), Botswana

The ancestral land conflict over the Central Kalahari Game Reserve (CKGR) began in the 1970s. The San people, who have inhabited the CKGR for millennia, were evicted by the Botswana government to create a game reserve. This eviction violated their rights and continues to be a source of intense legal and social conflict, resulting in one of the most expensive court cases in Botswana's history. Despite a landmark court victory in 2006, the case remains ongoing, highlighting the complex and deeply rooted issues at stake. The San people's traditional way of life, intrinsically tied to the land, is threatened, while the government aims to protect the CKGR's biodiversity.

Historical Context

The San people's longstanding connection to the CKGR and the government's actions leading to their displacement.

Legal Battles

Details of the landmark court case and its ongoing appeals.

Cultural Impact

The devastating effects of displacement on the San people's traditions and livelihoods.

Timeline of Events

A concise overview of key moments in the conflict, from initial evictions to present-day legal battles.

Current Status

The current state of the legal proceedings and the ongoing impact on the San community.

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