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Discover the Amazing Hippos of the Okavango Delta

Witness the Ecosystem Engineers of the Okavango Delta

Explore the incredible world of hippos and their vital role in the Okavango's unique ecosystem.

Discover the Amazing Hippos of the Okavango Delta

Okavango Delta, Moremi Game Reserve, Ngamiland

Hippopotamuses (hippos) are found in water channels and permanent water bodies throughout the Okavango Delta, in Moremi Game Reserve and Ngamiland. They are herbivores and feed mainly on river grasses and vegetation that grows on the floodplains. They are known as the ecosystem engineers of the Delta as they help to create and maintain the mosaic of habitats that form its unique environment. Hippopotamuses move along the narrow waterways and open up channels during the dry season, which helps to maintain the flow of water throughout the Delta. They also create wallows, which are depressions in the ground that fill with water, providing important habitats for other aquatic species and attracting other wildlife to the area. In addition, their dung fertilises the surrounding vegetation and helps maintain the health of the ecosystem.

Ecosystem Engineers

Hippos play a crucial role in shaping the Okavango Delta's unique landscape and maintaining its biodiversity.

Vital Waterways

Their movements help maintain water flow, especially during the dry season.

Habitat Creation

Hippo wallows provide vital habitats for various aquatic species and attract other wildlife.

Hippo Diet

These herbivores primarily feed on river grasses and floodplain vegetation.

Hippo Impact

Their actions significantly impact the Delta's ecosystem, creating and maintaining a diverse habitat.

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