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Tsetse Fly Bite: Symptoms and What to Do

Have You Been Bitten by a Tsetse Fly?

Learn about the symptoms and what steps to take if you suspect a tsetse fly bite.

Tsetse Fly Bite: Symptoms and What to Do

Each person may have slightly different symptoms. Symptoms tend to happen within 1 to 4 weeks of infection. At first, they may include: Fever, Skin lesions, Rash, Swelling, Swollen lymph nodes on the back of the neck. After many weeks, the infection may become **sleeping sickness**, which is a serious condition that affects the brain and nervous system.

Early Symptoms (1-4 weeks)

Fever, Skin lesions, Rash, Swelling, Swollen lymph nodes on the back of the neck

Late-Stage Symptoms (Weeks Later)

Sleeping sickness: a serious condition affecting the brain and nervous system.

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