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Understanding Poverty in Botswana

Poverty in Botswana: A Complex Challenge

Addressing the multifaceted issues impacting the lives of millions.

Understanding Poverty in Botswana


Despite significant economic growth, poverty remains a persistent issue in Botswana. Recent statistics reveal that 17.2% of the population lives in poverty, with an additional 19.7% vulnerable to falling back into poverty. This alarming figure underscores the need for comprehensive solutions.

High Unemployment

Botswana faces a high unemployment rate, particularly among young people. This stems from a lack of skills, a mismatch between skills needed and those available, and insufficient job creation.

Low Wages

Even employed individuals often earn low wages due to limited bargaining power, the absence of minimum wage laws, and weak enforcement of existing labor laws.

Income Inequality

A significant income disparity exists, with a small percentage of the population controlling a large share of the nation's wealth, leaving the majority struggling with poverty.

Further Resources

Learn more about poverty reduction strategies and ongoing efforts:

* [Botswana Poverty Reduction Strategy](
* [World Bank: Poverty in Botswana](

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